7c10. Aline as remembered by Nana Kazis

A round trip by car exploring the Peloponnesus led us to Pylos at the extreme western part. A hotel was difficult to find, so we ended up in two rented rooms at the top of the hill overlooking the bay of Navarino. Our examination of the rooms was satisfactory, so we unpacked for the night. And, next step was to check for the bathrooms.  There was only one bathroom available. It had a a simple sink with running water, thank God.  But lo and behold, the WC consisted of a hole on the floor! It was laughs and giggles galore! Aline said «thank God» that we are acrobats, after all our ballet lessons.

Aline would always take along a few coins, in case we met any beggar in the street, because she felt embarrassed when she had nothing to give them.

She felt she had a duty towards her mother’s friends from Alexandria, and other older persons. Aline always took the time to visit and help them any way she could. I remember that she would visit Sylvie Loizides, Samiha Melas, Doris Alexandrov Pallis, and I forget the names of many others. They adored Aline and always anxiously expected her visits. She always had a nice word to say and encourage them in their loneliness. Aline also enthusiastically helped Eleni Cosmetatos to prepare the costumes for her «Costume Museum» in Cephalonia.

I was always amazed how long it took her to write a few words on a post card, let alone compose a letter. Aline prepared a rough text, corrected it and finally inserted it on a postcard.  Why was that? Aline always wanted that text to be perfect… no misspellings, no mistakes, etc….  So, in the end, the best and shortest way to get over this was: «WISH YOU WERE HERE». This statement became some sort of a trademark for her. 

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